Vision, Mission & History

Humboldt Botanical Garden provides an opportunity for the building of a world-class botanical garden for the Northern California region. The Garden is constructed on a 44.5 -acre site south of Eureka near the Humboldt Bay adjacent to the College of the Redwoods. Funding, construction and administration of the Humboldt Botanical Garden are under the leadership and sponsorship of the Humboldt Botanical Gardens Foundation (HBGF).

The Garden was organized by a small group of volunteers in 1991. The goal was to create an educational botanical garden for the Northern region. From this small core of people, the Garden has grown to over well over 1,000 individual, family and business members.

From the initial desire to have several small botanical gardens in the Humboldt Region, the vision grew to encompass the passionate belief that the area had an opportunity to develop a world-class botanical garden. This belief was based on the unique HBG garden site, the area’s climate, which is on the edge between two worlds–Mediterranean and the Pacific Marine–that allows for very diverse groups of plants to thrive, and the presence of plant species unique to the region. The not-for-profit Humboldt Botanical Garden was incorporated in the State of California on January 27, 1992 as a 501(c)(3) public benefit, charitable corporation under the official title of Humboldt Botanical Gardens Foundation or HBGF.

Humboldt Botanical Garden Mission & Vision

Inspire    Educate    Grow 

  • Humboldt Botanical Garden’s Mission is to cultivate a garden that provides an enjoyable discovery into the botanical world through education, participation, and community service.
  • We envision a world class botanical garden that attracts visitors for inspiration, education, and growth, and enhances the quality of life in our community.
A colorful garden display featuring purple flowers, yellow-green shrubs, and gray-leaved plants

Humboldt Botanical Garden Master Plan

The Garden is designed to stand alone and will provide a beautiful and functional botanical site for Humboldt County and Northwestern California. Installation of eight of the core gardens has been completed and include the Lost Coast Brewery Native Plant Garden, Arnot Family Garden of the Four Seasons, Sara’s Garden, Marie’s Terrace, the Moss Family Temperate Woodland Garden, Betty Kuhnel Heather Garden, Dr. Stan Baird Rose Garden and the Dedekam Family Ornamental Terrace Garden. 

There are also numerous trails, resting areas, viewing points and many more garden features throughout the Humboldt Botanical Garden. Our funding campaign continues with the goal of providing additional gardens as well as a Welcome and Education Center. 

HBG welcomes all to join our community in this adventure of a lifetime to realize the dream of a local world class botanical garden in our own backyard!


Since the formation of the Humboldt Botanical Garden Foundation in the early 1990’s numerous individuals and businesses have partnered in growing the Humboldt Botanical Garden into an enjoyable and educational garden. 

The photos and stories of this remarkable community project can be seen at our “Humboldt Botanical Garden History Project”.