Volunteer Opportunities

Want to help the Humboldt Botanical Garden grow? Become a Volunteer at HBG! Join our team of 150 Volunteers that work to create a beautiful botanical garden right here in Humboldt County. Gain knowledge, experience, friends and a deeper connection with Nature. Feel free to contact us with additional questions at 707-442-5139.

Gate Host Team: Check-in and greet visitors

Special Events: Music in the Garden, Garden Gala, Candlelight Walk, Spring Plant Sale

Green Team: Meets Thursdays 10:00 AM-Noon

Wild Weeders: Meets Tuesdays 10:00 AM-Noon

Grateful Deadheaders: Meets Tuesdays 10:00 AM-Noon

Garden Weeding Assistance

Information about volunteering is sent out periodically via the newsletter and weekly emails. Please contact the Garden office at 707-442-5139 to sign up to receive more information about volunteering, or sign up below. 

Whether you only have time to volunteer a few hours or would rather get involved in the nuts and bolts of a committee or event, there is a volunteer opportunity for you.  Share your expertise, your passion or your inquisitive spirit.

Volunteering at the garden is a wonderful way to make friends and have a good time.

Please submit a volunteer application online. You may also request a form at the Welcome Center entrance of the garden.