Betty Kuhnel Heather Garden
About the Garden:
Few plants exhibit such diversity of size, form, and color as the heather (common name for the genus Calluna) or heaths (common name for genus Erica). Follow the path to the bright collection of heathers in this little gem of a garden located adjacent to the Dedekam Ornamental Terrace Garden. Have a seat at the bench, relax, and take in the undulating flow of colors and textures this peaceful garden has to offer.
The Betty Kuhnel Heather Garden was established in November 2009 by Tim and June Walsh and Maria Kreneck who generously donated the materials and time to begin the heather garden. In fall of 2016, Maria and the current curator Micki Davis added soil amendments and additional plants, also donated by Maria. From 2017 until current, Micki has expanded the garden adding to the heather and heath collection.